Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23

Probably my "best" or better of my writing is my research paper. It was my favorite to write since we got to chose our own topic and that allowed me to chose something i am really passionate about, which is food. My research paper was probably one of the harder assignments that has been assigned during this class becase sooo much research went into it and it was hard deciphering whether or not a source was scholarly. Obviously i still have a lot of work to do before i turn the final draft in in the portfolio but so far im pretty happy with it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

april 15th blog

Krakauer feel short on his research when it came to the reason why Chris actually die. I will defend him by saying that this is hard to do research on because no one will really ever know what happened out there besides Chris. According to discussion in class on Tuesday it wasnt mold on the potato seeds that killed Chris, and apparently Krakauer knew of this by the time he was publishing his book. So this seems like Krakauer was letting his personal opinion of Chris affect the actual truth of the situation.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

research paper

My primary source for my research paper is the Jungle written by Upton Sinclair. I didnt chose this book because of me gen ed class or whatever i actually thought that i was going to be one of the few to do this topic haha i guess i wasnt as clever as i thought. I think that im going to have a unique spin on my paper though because im going further into the meat industry as a whole as well as talking about slaughterhouses. I used to be a vegetarian for many of the reasons that i have included in my research so i find my topic to be avery interesting topic. Sinclair's novel brought attention to America that the meat being produced was not sanitary and there were many faults in the slaughterhouses, so my goal for my paper is to bring attention to the fact that there are still issues today with the meat industry and there needs to be a change.