Thursday, January 28, 2010

blog 2

Over the course of the first few weeks of English 101 Bootcamp I learned many new techniques of writing, new terminologies, and new rules of writing. It is difficult to select the most important thing I learned. Since I have to chose only one thing I would say that the most important thing I learned in Bootcamp was that a thesis does not only have to be one sentence. All throughout my years of school they have taught us to narrow down what our essay was about into one sentence. I always had difficulty creating a single sentence to describe what my essay would be about. Especially now in college the number of pages we are required to write, narrowing down everything we have to write about into one sentence is impossible. A thesis is actually recomended to be more than one sentence, which is great because now I feel I can finally write a solid thesis that explains my opinion/argument fully.


  1. I totally agree! I love how a thesis can be more than one sentence now. I really always thought that I had to fit my entire paper into pretty much a few breaths and I think this will really expand all of our writing skills.

  2. Yeah, I agree. Its nice to not be limited to the one-line thesis as we were in high school. It takes the pressure off of creating the "perfect" sentence to give away all that your paper will be talking about.
