Friday, February 12, 2010

blog 4

I think that it is important to balance all three, pathos, logos, and ethos. If i had to choose the most important or most useful then i would have to say pathos. When trying to make an argument your point is always proven better if the other person can relate in someway or you appeal to their emotions because it is more personal. Getting emotions involved makes the point more powerful so it makes your argument better. Obviously though you cant just appeal to only emotions you have to use some facts and logic in your argument otherwise people wont believe you, so i would have to say that logos is the next most important. As i said before though i believe a balance of all three is critical. In my Lit essay i used majoirty of logos, in my McCandless essay i used more pathos to argue my beliefs. In revising i need to include a better balance of all three.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. Using facts alone has a much greater potential of boring a reader than getting them involved by relating to them.
